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For whom? 

This masterclass is suitable for professionals looking to enhance their understanding and management of climate risks in various industrial sectors. Ideal for Risk Managers, Sustainability Managers, and Strategy Executives.

Need help? 

Reach out to us for questions about this course or our transportation and accommodation options. We respond within 3 business days. 

Jannice Daha
Manager Executive Education 
E: executive-education@uva.nl 
T: +31 (0)6 4834 9056  

Why join this programme?

Expert-led interactive learning

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Gain insights from leaders in climate risk management.

Gain practical & relevant skills

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Learn to integrate climate risks in a risk management framework, enabling your organisation to make informed decisions about strategy and risk acceptance.

Great networking opportunities

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Network with peers and industry experts, fostering valuable connections and insights in the field of climate risk management.

What will you learn? 

  1. Understanding of climate risk identification, classification, and assessment within the context of your organisation.
  2. Integrating climate risks considerations into strategic decision-making processes.
  3. Conducting climate stress tests and scenario planning to assess the resilience of your organisation.
  4. Practical tools for integrating sustainability principles and climate risk management into existing risk frameworks.
  5. Navigating regulatory frameworks for climate risk and ESG.
Teaching staff
  • Gijsbert van der Aart

    Gijsbert van der Aart is a risk strategy advisor at Rabobank and a frequent speaker on risk management at several universities and training institutes, specifically regarding the integration of ESG risks.

  • Gerhard Mulder

    Gerhard Mulder is a climate change expert with 25 years of experience across banking, consulting, non-profit, and government.

  • Rob van Erp

    Rob van Erp is the CRO of Stedin (Network Operator for gas and electricity) and teacher of Risk Management at the UvA.


Fees vary depending on when you sign up. 

  Tuition* Application deadline Start date
Early bird fee €1,950 13 March 2025 13 May 2025
Standard fee €2,290 12 May 2025 13 May 2025

* The fee is VAT-exempt.

Alumni get a 10% discount

UvA Alumni receive a 10% discount on the standard fee. Please note that this discount cannot be combined with the early bird discount.