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For whom?

This masterclass is designed for employees of private firms, governments, central banks, NGOs or consultancy companies that are interested in the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is also interesting for energy or environmental consultants, risk analysts, financial analysts and financial managers, equities and commodities analysts, strategy managers and CSR heads. 

Need help? 

Reach out to us for questions about this course or our transportation and accommotion options. We respond within 3 business days. 

Jannice Daha LLM
Manager Executive Education
E: executive-education@uva.nl
T: +31 (0)6 4834 9056

Why join this masterclass?
Explore the impact of the energy transition
Expand your business network
Balanced mix of theory and practice

What will you learn?

At the end of the masterclass you will: 

  1. understand how fossil deposit characteristics should influence societies and a firms’ choice regarding fossil resource supply and use; 
  2. be able to apply cost-benefit analysis using different points of view with or without factoring in Greenhouse gas emissions’ cost; 
  3. appreciate the importance of long-term planning to encourage investors to consider mitigation risks and prevent asset stranding; 
  4. be able to account for future mitigation impacts when designing a business or organisation’s development plan, or when making investment decisions; 
  5. be able to apply existing tools to estimate your business or organisation’s sensitivity to climate change mitigation. 

Teaching staff

Dr. Renaud Coulomb is Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne. His research in environmental and resource economics focuses on the impacts of climate change mitigation on energy resource use and on the value of energy firms and their assets. 


Fees vary depending on when you sign up. 

Spring 2025

  Tuition* Application deadline Start date
Early bird fee €1,950 21 March 2025 21 May 2025
Standard fee €2,290 20 May 2025 21 May 2025

* The fee is VAT-exempt.

Alumni get a 10% discount

UvA Alumni receive a 10% discount on the standard fee. Please note that this discount cannot be combined with the early bird discount.

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