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Diogo Mendes

Diogo Mendes – Global Commodity Buyer at GKN Aerospace | Fokker Technologies

'I came across the masterclass Business Negotiation by recommendation from my direct manager. After exploring similar options in the market, I decided to participate in this masterclass because it gave me the opportunity to learn from Alfred Zerres, Associate Professor in the field of Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour.

I can confidently say the masterclass has exceeded all my expectations. The organisation was excellent and the programme of the masterclass provided a good balance between theory and practice. I could really tell this masterclass is the product of well-thought and well-executed planning, which aims to facilitate and accelerate the learning about the negotiation process for professionals with and without negotiation experience. The study cases that were provided proved to be crucial to absorb and internalise the lessons learned.

Participants are assured they are learning the negotiation process with a scientific basis, which relies on data rather than only feelings and/or experience. As for me, the best about the masterclass was the availability and openness from the teacher in answering every question by combining science and experience.

If your professional success depends on how successful you are with handling and driving negotiations, this is the right masterclass for you. I gained valuable insights that can be applied in my daily work as a Global Commodity Buyer. Here are 3 of the lessons I consider most important to master the negotiation process:

  1. Preparation is crucial: one of the fundamental principles emphasised in the masterclass is the importance of thorough preparation before entering any negotiation. This includes researching the other party's interests, understanding their perspective and their potential reservation points, and clarifying my own goals and priorities as well as defining the roles for members participating in the negotiation.
  2. Active listening and effective communication: the masterclass also taught us about the significance of active listening during negotiations. By carefully listening to the other party, I can learn underlying interests and motivations, which can help in finding mutually beneficial solutions. These skills enable me to express my thoughts clearly, understand the other party's position, and facilitate productive discussions.
  3. Creating win-win solutions: another valuable lesson I learned from the masterclass is the importance of seeking win-win outcomes in negotiations. Rather than adopting a competitive or adversarial approach, I learned to identify common ground and exploring creative solutions that create net value to both parties and avoid leaving money on the table.'