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Admission requirements

  • You hold a recognised Bachelor's or Master's university degree in a related field (e.g. finance, business administration, economics, engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, law)
  • You have a minimum of 2 years’ relevant work experience in the financial field
  • All classes are on-campus, so you need to have a valid visa for the Netherlands to be able to attend

Application deadlines

You can apply until 2 weeks before the start date of any Finance Module at the latest. Please note that the number of places per module is limited.


To apply for a Finance Module, please fill out the online registration form and submit it with the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Passport copy
  • University diploma  
  • University transcripts

After receiving your completed application form, we will evaluate your profile and contact you for a telephone or personal consult.

Pre-course training

If you don’t hold a relevant Bachelor's or Master's degree from a research University and/or you don’t have relevant work experience in the financial field, you are required to complete the pre-course training before you apply. The tuition fee for this online self-study training is €1,000.


If you have any questions regarding the Finance Modules, please contact:

Madeleine Wolters
Sales and Recruitment Manager, Executive Programmes
E: admissions-mif@uva.nl
T: +31 (0)20 525 4056
M/WhatsApp: +31 (0)6 1165 2044