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Amelia Salvador Parra

'This masterclass has been a game-changer for me. It was practical, engaging, and it definitely gave me a bunch of new tools for my leadership toolkit.'

Amelia Salvador Parra – Manager Commercial Division at Van Caem Klerks Groups

'I decided to sign up for the Leadership Essentials masterclass because I’m always up for learning new things, especially if it can help me do my job better. As a commercial manager, I need to keep up with what’s new in our field and find better ways to lead my team. This masterclass seemed like the perfect chance to brush up on my skills, get some fresh ideas, and learn how to handle the tough situations we sometimes face.

The programme was quite the experience. It wasn’t just about sitting through lectures, rather it was interactive and hands-on. The Amsterdam Business School’s setting in the heart of a bustling city added to the richness of the experience. The campus atmosphere was dynamic, mirroring the entrepreneurial spirit of Amsterdam. This not only provided a stimulating backdrop for the masterclass, but also offered numerous opportunities to engage with a diverse and international business community.

The lecturers, Daniel and Grainne, were inspiring us to think on our feet and apply what we learned right there in the classroom. We did a lot of group work, which was great for getting different viewpoints. I improved my executive communication skills and my ability to perform under high pressure, as well as to make impact through empathy, connection and collaborative techniques.

This masterclass has been a game-changer for me. It was practical, it was engaging, and it definitely gave me a bunch of new tools for my leadership toolkit. Plus, I got to meet some great like-minded people along the way.'