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Tijmen van Diepen

'The lecturers clearly knew what they were talking about and were willing to adapt the material to the group’s learning needs.'

Tijmen van Diepen – Senior Consultant at Been Management Consulting 

'At Been Management Consulting we strive to realise systemic change for our clients. We focus on making companies more sustainable, because we believe that this is essential in making a company future-proof. It all comes down to using the business 'as a force for good'. In order to do this, it is essential to provide in-depth insights into both the current and projected impact of implemented improvements. I also believe that digital transformation is the driver for sustainable transformations.'

'There were a few reasons that led me to participate in the Analytics Translator programme at the Amsterdam Business School. I have an intrinsic motivation to stay up to date on new digital possibilities. I also wanted to learn how the power of advanced analytics can be properly applied, so I can offer our clients solutions that they might not have thought of themselves, as well as deeper insights. This is how Been Management Consulting can proactively create added value for clients. Another reason I chose this programme is the fact that education is offered onsite. I have been working from home a lot lately, so I liked being able to sit in a room with fellow participants: a place where you can ask questions and have lively discussions about the material.'

'I have really benefited from taking part in this programme: I gained a lot of knowledge in the field of data science and it has inspired me to learn even more about it in the future. How can you give direction to the language of data science? How do you solve problems using data science? And how do you ensure you are using data science to create a story that makes sense? These are all matters we discussed in great detail during the programme.'

'After completing the programme, I started thinking about how I can shape what I learned and use it within my own organisation. I have not yet been able to directly apply my newly found knowledge because I am still busy with the preparatory phase. This means I am trying to determine how digital and advanced analytics contribute to systemic change in companies. In my management consulting role, I want to include my colleagues in the process of actively offering new digital solutions to companies. In other words, I have not yet immediately applied the lessons I learned, but I am collecting the information that we can use to have an in-depth conversation about it: both within our own company as well as with our clients. After this preparatory phase, we will further explore the other things we need to be able to offer the right solutions to our clients.'

'I really enjoyed taking this programme at the Amsterdam Business School. The group of participants was so diverse. For example. there were people from the construction and telecom sectors, which is of course very different from my own field of work. I also liked that the group was not too big, there were 10 participants. Not all of us were data scientists, but we were all professionals who wanted to learn more about data science. We all wanted to achieve the same thing by following this programme: gain knowledge and inspiration and use those to take the next step in our professional career path.'

'The professors and lecturers clearly knew what they were talking about and they were very knowledgeable. They were also willing to listen to the participants and adapt the material to the group’s learning needs. We had some interesting discussions among the participants, which I found very inspiring. This programme has most certainly met my expectations. I learned a lot from it and I have become inspired and enthusiastic about the field of data science.'