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Roderik Rensen

Roderik Rensen – Global Head of Process Management at ING 

'I decided to participate in the Analytics Translator programme because I wanted to discover if and how my teams can use new techniques in driving process improvements for our customers and colleagues at ING. I had participated in a programme at the Amsterdam Business School before, so I knew I could expect a very high and intellectual level of engagement, experienced professors and teachers and a lot of interaction amongst the participants.'

'I learned more about the background and principles of Machine Learning and AI techniques and how they can best be used to solve business challenges and propel opportunities. The interactions I had with other people from different businesses during the programme were very inspiring. I am now planning to incorporate these techniques in the curriculum of the Process Improvement Practised in ING, as I believe we can add extra value to our customers and colleagues in knowing where and how to apply these techniques. If you are not sure yet if you want to take part in this programme I would suggest following the first module to learn about the basics of Machine Learning and AI. You can then decide if the second module is a valuable addition.'