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Jo-Anne Prins – Organisational advisor at the Dutch Tax Office

'I completed module 1 of this programme in October 2022, after which I started working as a project advisor within a team of data scientists. The first module of this programme provided me with a lot of valuable knowledge and I decided to do a follow-up training, which is why I signed up for the second module.'

'I would describe the Analytics Translator programme as useful, practical and inspiring. The interaction with fellow students provides a lot of new insights. I found the lectures on EU privacy law and managing data analytics particularly helpful. Afterwards, I was immediately able to apply this new knowledge in my daily work. The broad curriculum of the programme provides something interesting for every participant. And the capstone assignment at the end is a great way to assess whether you have understood the coursework. If you are working in an environment where projects using data analytics is a new development, then I would highly recommend this programme.'