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Barry Kroon

‘I felt there was a missing component in my toolbox in terms of navigating the landscape of leadership. This course highlights essential aspects of leadership that I had no previous education on.’

Barry Kroon, Managing Partner at Reliable Supply Chains International

'The masterclass provided me with several practical tools and immediate learnings. The self-reflection and feedback I received from other participants regarding my behaviour and leadership qualifications are very valuable and will serve me well in the long term.'

'The teachers were able to create a high-stress environment of a real life scenario, forcing all participants to step out of their comfort zones and gain valuable insights.'

'Everything was well-organised and communicated, with knowledgeable staff and teachers. I enjoyed working together and being challenged by a group of great peers.'

'I believe this masterclass is valuable for anyone at any level of the organisation, as honest feedback from peers and professionals is a big driver for personal growth.'