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  • Profile


    André Nollkaemper is University Professor of International Law and Sustainability, as of 1 January 1, 2024. Untill then he is Professor of International Law and  Dean of the Amsterdam Law School.  

    As University Professor of International Law and Sustainability, André Nollkaemper leads the agenda of the University of Amsterdam to advance knowledge on climate change and, more generally, sustainability.  He explores the role of international law in the system transition needed to limit climate change and the crossing of planetary boundaries. He works with scientists from other disciplines, both inside and outside the UvA, and with social partners to develop new ideas and insights for a more sustainable future.

    André Nollkaemper leads the UvA Sustainability Platform, an UvA wide interdisciplinary community for forging knowledge across discplines on sustainability challenges. 

    Since 2017, he is assciate of the Institut du Droit International , where he is a member ofthe Committees on Harm Prevention Rules Applicable to the Global Commons and Distributive Justice and Sustainable Development. 

    In  2012 he was elected as life-long Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences., where he is a member of the Committee on the Freedom of Scientific Pursuit.

    Between 2010 and 2020 he was external Legal Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. He also  was Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (2014-2020) and President of the European Society of International Law (2014-207), His practical experience includes cases before the European Court on Human Rights, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, courts of the Netherlands and consultancy for a variety of international and national organisations. From 1998 to 2010 he was of-counsel at Bohler, attorneys in Amsterdam.


    Andre Nollkaemper obtained his PhD from Utrecht University in 1993 on the legal regulation of pollution of international watercourses. Since then, he has conducted research on a wide diversity of questions of international law and sustainability, including protection of the oceans, liability for climate change, protection of endangered species and habitats, and international animal welfare regulation.

    Cutting across such individual sustainability problems, much of his work has been directed to general problems of international law and regulation. His work on shared responsibility he has explored how international law does, and can provide a basis for sharing of responsibility between multiple actors (states, international institutions, private actors and individuals) who contribute to climate change and other forms of harm to the global environment. . Drawing from adjacent disciplines, he identified the limits of the prevailing paradigms pertaining to international responsibility and supplemented them with the new perspective of shared responsibility. This work culminated in the 2020 Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law. A variety of projects building on the 2020 Guidelines is ongoing.

    In relation to regulation and governance of global practices that pose sustainability problems, he has worked amongs others on smart mixes for transboundary environmental harm, the precuationary principle, and the rule of law law quality of international institutions.

    Of continuting relevance for governance of glonal sustainability challenges is hiw work on interactions between international and national law. Nollkaemper developed International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC), a unique database with Oxford UP compiling hitherto unavailable data. Under Nollkaemper’s leadership, ILDC comprises reporters in over 100 states and has produced over 3,000 reports that relate to many aspect of law and governance of sustainability. He led several international research groups that used these data and he synthesized the findings in his 2011 monograph on national courts and the international rule of law.



    Selected publications on International Law and Sustainability

    • International Law and the Agony of Animals in Industrial Meat Production, 20 European Journal of International Law (2023) 1-34
    • The International Law of Meat Production, in Anne Peters, Kristen Stilt, & Saskia Stucki (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law (Oxford UP, 2024, forthcoming)
    • Change in the Law of International Responsibility, in S. Besson (ed.), Theories of International Responsibility, Cambridge UP, 2022, 43-69
    • Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law , 31 European Journal of International Law (2020) 1
    • Smart Mixes for Transboundary Environmental Harm, Cambridge UP, 2019 (with Judith van Erp, et al, eds)
    • Shared Responsibility in International Law: A Conceptual Framework,34 Michigan Journal of International Law (2013), 359-438 (with D Jacobs)

    • Political Economy and the Responsibility of States: The Problem of Many Hands in International Law, in A. Fabbricotti (Ed.), The political economy of international law: a European perspective, Edward Elgar (2016), 278-307

    • International Adjudication of Global Public Goods: The Intersection of Substance and Procedure, 23 European Journal of International Law (2012)
    • ‘Joint responsibility between the EU and Member States for non-performance of obligations under multilateral environmental agreements, in Morgera, E. (ed.), The External Policy of the European Union, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2012), p. 304-346
    • National Courts and the International Rule of Law , Oxford University Press (2011)
    • System Criminality in International Law , Cambridge University Press (2009) (co-editor)
    • Cluster-litigation in cases of transboundary environmental harm, in: Faure, M. & Ying S. (eds.), China and International Environmental Liability. Legal Remedies for Transboundary Pollution, Edward Elgar 2008, 11-37.
    • 'Internationally Wrongful Acts in Domestic Courts', 101 American Journal of International Law (2007)
    • International Liability as an Instrument to Prevent and Compensate for Climate Change, 43 Stanford Journal of International Law (2007) 124-179 (with Michael Faure)
    • Responsibility of transnational corporations in international environmental law: three perspectives, in: Winter, G. (ed.), Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change. Perspectives from Science, Sociology and the Law, Cambridge University Press (2006), 179-199
    • Compliance Control in International Environmental Law: Traversing the Limits of the National Legal Order, 13 Yearbook of International Environmental Law (2004) 165-186.
    • New Perspectives on the Divide between International and National Law , Oxford University Press (2007) (co-editor)
    • 'Concurrence between Individual Responsibility and State Responsibility in International Law', International and Comparative Law Quarterly (2003): 615-640.
    • Three Conceptions of the Integration Principle in International Environmental Law, in Lenschow, A. (Ed.), Environmental Policy Integration. Greening Sectoral Policies in Europe, Earthscan Publications, 2002, 22-32.
    • The distinction between non-legal and legal norms in international affairs – with reference to protection of the North Sea from hazardous substances, 13 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (1998), 355-371
    • Between the Forests and the Trees - an Emerging International Forest Law,23 Environmental Conservation (1997), p. 307-314 (with Jutta Brunnee)
    • The Protection of Small Cetaceans in the Face of Uncertainty: An Analysis of the ASCOBANS Agreement, 9 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review (1997), 281-302 (with Hugo Nijkamp)
    • What you Risk Reveals What You Value’, and Other Dilemma’s in the Legal Assault on Risk, in D. Freestone and E. Hey (eds.), The Precautionary Principle and International Law: the Challenge of Implementation, Kluwer Law International (1996), 73-94
    • Protecting Forests through Trade Measures: The Search for Substantive Benchmarks, 7 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review (1996) 389-421
    • Balancing Protection of Marine Ecosystems and the Economic Benefits from Land-based Activities: The Quest for International Legal Barriers, 27 Ocean Development and International Law (1996), 153-179
    • The Legality of Moral Crusades Disguised in Trade Laws: An Analysis of the EC ‘Ban’ on Furs from Animals Taken by Leghold Traps, 8 Journal of Environmental Law (1996) 236-257
    • The River Rhine: from Equal Apportionment to Ecosystem Protection, 5 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (1996), 152-160
    • The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: A Critical Analysis, 8 International Journal of Maritime and Coastal Law (1993), 1-76 (with Ellen Hey and Ton IJlstra).
  • Publications


    • Möhrlein, R., van Dorresteijn, C. M., van Domselaar, I., Nollkaemper, P. A., de Ruijter, A., Volman, M. L. L., & Cornelissen, L. J. F. (2024). Ervaringsonderwijs voor de professionele vorming van juristen. Law and Method, 2024, 1-16. Article D-23-00002.
    • Nollkaemper, A., Shany, Y. (Ed.), Tzanakopoulos, A. (Ed.), & Methymaki, E. (Ed.) (2024). The Engagement of Domestic Courts with International Law: Comparative Perspectives. (International law in domestic legal orders). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2024). Causation Puzzles in International Climate Litigation. Italian Yearbook of International Law, 33 (2023), 25-55.




    • Klabbers, J., Lustig, D., Nollkaemper, A., Nouwen, S., Saliternik, M., & Weiler, J. H. H. (2021). International Law and Democracy Revisited: Introduction to the Symposium. European Journal of International Law, 32(1), 9-15. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2021). Unravelling a Paradox of Shared Responsibility: The Disconnection between Substantive and Adjudicate Law . In C. Giorgetti, & G. Verdirame (Eds.), Whither the West?: International Law in Europe and the United States (pp. 202-227). (ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A., d' Aspremont, J., Ahlborn, C., Boutin, B., Nedeski, N., Plakokefalos, I., & Jacobs, D. (2020). Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law. European Journal of International Law, 31(1), 15-72. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2019). Responsibility. In Concepts for International Law: Contributions to Disciplinary Thought (pp. 760-772). Edward Elgar.
    • Nollkaemper, A., & van Alebeek, R. (2019). Netherlands. In F. M. Palombino (Ed.), Duelling for Supremacy: International Law vs. National Fundamental Principles (pp. 255-276). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • van Erp, J., Faure, M., Nollkaemper, A., & Philipsen, N. (2019). Conclusion: Smart mixes in relation to transboundary environmental harm. In J. van Erp, M. Faure, A. Nollkaemper, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Smart Mixes for Transboundary Environmental Harm (pp. 329-343). (Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • van Erp, J., Faure, M., Nollkaemper, A., & Philipsen, N. (Eds.) (2019). Smart mixes for transboundary environmental harm. (Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance). Cambridge University Press.



    • Nollkaemper, A. (2017). Shared responsibility for human rights violations: a relational account. In T. Gammeltoft-Hansen, & J. Vedsted-Hansen (Eds.), Human Rights and the Dark Side of Globalisation: Transnational law enforcement and migration control (pp. 27-52). (Routledge Studies in Human Rights). Routledge. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & Plakokefalos, I. (2017). Conclusions. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law (pp. 1097-1115). (Shared Responsibility in International Law; Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & Plakokefalos, I. (2017). The Practice of Shared Responsibility: A Framework for Analysis. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law (pp. 1-11). (Shared Responsibility in International Law; Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • d' Aspremont, J., Gazzini, T., Nollkaemper, A., & Werner, W. (2017). Introduction. In J. d'Aspremont, T. Gazzini, A. Nollkaemper, & W. Werner (Eds.), International Law as a Profession (pp. 1-16). Cambridge University Press. [details]




    • Nollkaemper, A. (2014). Introduction. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), Principles of shared responsibility in international law: an appraisal of the state of the art (pp. 1-24). (Shared responsibility in international law; No. 1). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2014). The duality of direct effect in international law. European Journal of International Law, 25(1), 105-125. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2014). The effects of treaties in domestic law. In C. J. Tams, A. Tzanakopoulos, & A. Zimmermann (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties (pp. 123-150). (Research Handbooks in International Law). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & Plakokefalos, I. (2014). Conclusions: beyond the ILC legacy. In A. Nollkaemper, & I. Plakokefalos (Eds.), Principles of shared responsibility in international law: an appraisal of the state of the art (pp. 341-363). (Shared responsibility in international law; No. 1). Cambridge University Press. [details]



    • Fauchald, O. K., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Conclusions. In O. K. Fauchald, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The practice of international and national courts and the (de-)fragmentation of international law (pp. 343-367). (Studies in international law; No. 40). Hart Publishing. [details]
    • Fauchald, O. K., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Introduction. In O. K. Fauchald, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The practice of international and national courts and the (de-)fragmentation of international law (pp. 3-14). (Studies in international law; No. 40). Hart Publishing. [details]
    • Kristjánsdóttir, E., Nollkaemper, A., & Ryngaert, C. (2012). Concluding observations. In E. Kristjánsdóttir, A. Nollkaemper, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), International law in domestic courts: rule of law reform in post-conflict states (pp. 311-335). (Series on transitional justice; No. 9). Intersentia. [details]
    • Kristjánsdóttir, E., Nollkaemper, A., & Ryngaert, C. (2012). Introduction. In E. Kristjánsdóttir, A. Nollkaemper, & C. Ryngaert (Eds.), International law in domestic courts: rule of law reform in post-conflict states (pp. 1-15). (Series on transitional justice; No. 9). Intersentia. [details]
    • Nedeski, N., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Responsibility of International Organizations 'in connection with acts of States'. International Organizations Law Review, 9(1), 33-52. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2012). International adjudication of global public goods: the intersection of substance and procedure. European Journal of International Law, 23(3), 769-791. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Issues of shared responsibility before the International Court of Justice. In E. Rieter, & H. de Waele (Eds.), Evolving principles of international law: studies in honour of Karel C. Wellens (pp. 199-237). (Queen Mary studies in international law; No. 5). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Joint responsibility between the EU and Member States for non-performance of obligations under multilateral environmental agreements. In E. Morgera (Ed.), The external environmental policy of the European Union: EU and international law perspectives (pp. 304-346). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2012). The role of national courts in inducing compliance with international and European law: a comparison. In M. Cremona (Ed.), Compliance and the enforcement of EU law (pp. 157-194). (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law; No. 20/2). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Peerenboom, R., Zürn, M., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Conclusion: from rule of law promotion to rule of law dynamics. In M. Zürn, P. A. Nollkaemper, & R. Peerenboom (Eds.), Rule of law dynamics: in an era of international and transnational governance (pp. 305-323). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Zürn, M., Nollkaemper, A., & Peerenboom, R. (2012). Introduction: rule of law dynamics in an era of international and transnational governance. In M. Zürn, A. Nollkaemper, & R. Peerenboom (Eds.), Rule of law dynamics: in an era of international and transnational governance (pp. 1-17). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • van Alebeek, R., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). The legal status of decisions by human rights treaty bodies in national law. In H. Keller, & G. Ulfstein (Eds.), UN human rights treaty bodies: law and legitimacy (pp. 356-413). (Studies on human rights conventions). Cambridge University Press. [details]



    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). Constitutionalization and the unity of the law of international responsibility. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 16(2), 535-563. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). Introduction. In H. van der Wilt, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), System criminality in international law (pp. 1-25). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). Sovereignty and environmental justice in international law. In J. Ebbesson, & P. Okowa (Eds.), Environmental law and justice in context (pp. 253-269). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). State responsibility for international crimes: a review of principles of reparation. In A. Constantinides, & N. Zaikos (Eds.), The diversity of international law: essays in honour of professor Kalliopi K. Koufa (pp. 487-518). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). The European courts and the Security Council: between dédoublement fonctionnel and balancing of values: three replies to Pasquale de Sena and Maria Chiara Vitucci. European Journal of International Law, 20(3), 862-870. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). The Netherlands. In D. Sloss (Ed.), The role of domestic courts in treaty enforcement: a comparative study (pp. 326-369). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2009). The internationalised rule of law. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1(1), 74-78. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & van der Wilt, H. (2009). Conclusions and outlook. In H. van der Wilt, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), System criminality in international law (pp. 338-353). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Romano, C. P. R., Nollkaemper, A., & Kleffner, J. K. (Eds.) (2009). Internationalized Criminal Courts: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia. (repr. ed.) Oxford University Press.


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2008). Multi-level accountability: a case study of accountability in the aftermath of the Srebrenica massacre. In Y. Shany, & T. Broude (Eds.), The shifting allocation of authority in international law: considering sovereignty, supremacy and subsidiarity: essays in honour of Professor Ruth Lapidoth (pp. 345-367). Hart Publishing. [details]


    • Curtin, D., & Nollkaemper, A. (2007). Conceptualizing Accountability in International and European Law. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 36, 3-20. [details]


    • Kleffner, J. K., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (2004). The Relationship Between Internationalized Courts and National Courts. In C. P. R. Romano, P. A. Nollkaemper, & J. K. Kleffner (Eds.), Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals. Sierra Leone, East-Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia (pp. 359-378). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Romano, C. P. R., Nollkaemper, A., & Kleffner, J. K. (Eds.) (2004). Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals. Sierra Leone, East-Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia. (International courts and tribunals series). Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Betlem, G., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (2003). Giving Effect to Public International Law and European Community Law before Domestic Courts: A Comparative Analysis of the Practice of Consistent Interpretation. European Journal of International Law, 14(3), 569-589. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2003). Concurrence between Individual Responsibility and State Responsibility in International Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52(3), 615-640. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1998). The distinction between non-legal and legal norms in international affairs: an analysis with reference to international policy for the protection of the North Sea from hazardous substances. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 13(3), 355-371. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A., & Hey, E. (1995). Implementation of the LOS Convention at regional level: European Community competence in regulating safety and environmental aspects of shipping. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 10(2), 281-300. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A., Hey, E., & IJlstra, T. (1993). The 1992 Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: A Critical Analysis. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 8(1), 1-76. [details]




    • Nollkaemper, A. (2023). Samenwerking tussen universiteiten en het bedrijfsleven: academische vrijheid als gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid. In L. M. Verburgt, & J. W. Duyvendak (Eds.), Academische vrijheden in Nederland: Wat staat er op het spel? (pp. 89-108, 288). (Interventies). Amsterdam University Press.




    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., Nollkaemper, P. A., & Nedeski, N. (Eds.) (2019). Jurisprudentie en documentatie Internationaal publiekrecht. (8e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridisch. [details]


    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2017). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (7e ed.) (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridisch. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & Plakokefalos, I. (Eds.) (2017). The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law. (Shared Responsibility in International Law; Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • d' Aspremont, J., Gazzini, T., Nollkaemper, A., & Werner, W. (Eds.) (2017). International Law as a Profession. Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2016). De ontwikkeling van ‘rechtsstatelijkheid’ op internationaal niveau: een dialectisch perspectief. In M. Groenhuijsen, E. Hondius, & A. Soeteman (Eds.), Recht in geding II (pp. 97-107). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2015). Complicity in International Law: Some Lessons from the U.S. Rendition Program. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - American Society of International Law, 109, 177-181. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2015). Power and responsibility. In A. Di Stefano (Ed.), Un diritto senza terra? Funzioni e limiti del principio di territorialità nel diritto internazionale e dell'Unione Europea = A lackland law? Territory, effectiveness and jurisdiction in international and EU law: atti e contributi del X Incontro di Studio fra i giovani cultori delle materie internazionalistiche: Catania, 24-25 gennaio 2013 (pp. 19-44). (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Catania; Vol. N.S, 276/I). G. Giappichelli Editore. [details]




    • Fauchald, O. K., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2012). The practice of international and national courts and the (de-)fragmentation of international law. (Studies in International Law; Vol. 40). Hart. [details]
    • Hoffmann, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Concluding observations. In J. Hoffmann, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), Responsibility to protect: from principle to practice (pp. 355-371). Pallas Publications. [details]
    • Hoffmann, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (2012). Introduction. In J. Hoffmann, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), Responsibility to protect: from principle to practice (pp. 13-25). Pallas Publications. [details]
    • Hoffmann, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (Eds.) (2012). Responsibility to protect: from principle to practice. Pallas Publications. [details]
    • Kristjánsdóttir, E., Nollkaemper, A., & Ryngaert, C. (Eds.) (2012). International law in domestic courts: rule of law reform in post-conflict states. (Series on transitional justice; Vol. 9). Intersentia. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2012). The process of legalisation after 1989 and its contribution to the international rule of law. In J. Crawford, & S. Nouwen (Eds.), International law 1989-2010: a performance appraisal: Cambridge, 2-4 September 2010 (pp. 89-101). (Select proceedings of the European Society of International Law; Vol. 3). Hart. [details]
    • Zürn, M., Nollkaemper, A., & Peerenboom, R. (Eds.) (2012). Rule of law dynamics: in an era of international and transnational governance. Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2011). Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht. (5e ed.) (Boom Juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2011). The bifurcation of international law: two futures for the international rule of law. In S. Muller, S. Zouridis, M. Frishman, & L. Kistemaker (Eds.), The law of the future and the future of the law (pp. 81-88). (FICHL publication series; No. 1). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher. [details]




    • Nollkaemper, A. (2008). Cluster-litigation in cases of transboundary environmental harm. In M. Faure, & S. Ying (Eds.), China and international environmental liability: legal remedies for transboundary pollution (pp. 11-37). (New horizons in environmental law). Edward Elgar. [details]
    • Wouters, J., Nollkaemper, A., & de Wet, E. (Eds.) (2008). The europeanisation of International law: the status of international law in the EU and its member states. T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]



    • Nollkaemper, A. (2006). The independence of the domestic judiciary in international law. Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 17, 261-305. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2006). Potential consequences of the rise of individual responsibility for the law of state responsibility. In K. Koufa (Ed.), State Responsibility and the Individual: 2003 International Law Session, Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki (pp. 51-81). (Thesaurus Acroasium; Vol. 34). Sakkoulas Publications. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2006). Responsibility of transnational corporations in international environmental law: three perspectives. In Multilevel Governance of Global Environmental Change. Perspectives from Science, Sociology and the Law (pp. 179-199). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2006). The Role of Domestic Courts in the Case Law of the International Court of Justice. Chinese Journal of International Law, (2), 301-322. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2005). Attribution of forcible acts to states: connections between the law of state responsibility. In N. M. Blokker, & N. J. Schrijver (Eds.), The Security Council and the Use of Force (pp. 133-171). Nijhoff. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2005). Chapter 7. The Evolution of the Regime for the River Rhine. In S. P. Subedi (Ed.), International Watercourses Law for the 21st Century (pp. 151-166). Ashgate. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2005). Internationalisering van nationale rechtspraak. In P. A. Nollkaemper, J. W. A. Fleuren, J. Wouters, & D. van Eeckhoutte (Eds.), Preadviezen. Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht (pp. 1-67). T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2004). Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht. (Boom juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische Uitgevers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2004). Forging the Public and the Private Sector in the International Legal Order. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 31(2), 77-79. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2003). Decisions of National Courts as Sources of International Law: An Analysis of the Practice of the ICTY. In G. Boas, & W. A. Schabas (Eds.), International criminal law developments in the case law of the ICTY (pp. 277-296). (International humanitarian law series; No. 6). Martinus Nijhoff. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2003). Some Observations on the Consequences of the Termination of Treaties and the Reach of Article 70 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. In I. G. Dekker, & H. H. G. Post (Eds.), On the Foundations and Sources of International Law (pp. 187-192). TMC Asser Press. [details]
    • de Wet, E., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (2003). Review of Security Council Decisions by National Courts. In German Yearbook of International Law 2002 (pp. 166-202). Duncker & Humblot. [details]


    • Ferdinandusse, W. N., Kleffner, J. K., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (2002). Origineel of reproductie? Internationale strafbaarstellingen in de Nederlandse rechtsorde. Nederlands Juristenblad, 77(8), 341-349. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2002). Three Conceptions of the Integration Principle in International Environmental Law. In A. Lenschow (Ed.), Environmental policy integration: greening sectoral policies in Europe (pp. 22-32). Earthscan. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2002). Compliance Control in International Environmental Law: Traversing the Limits of the National Legal Order. In Ulfstein, & Werksmann (Eds.), Yearbook of International Environmental Law (pp. 165-186). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2002). International Environmental Law in the Courts of the Netherlands. In M. Anderson, & P. Galizzi (Eds.), International Environmental Law in National Courts (pp. 183-193). British Institute of International and Comparative Law. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2002). The Direct Effect of Public International LAw. In J. Prinssen, & A. Schrauwen (Eds.), Direct Effect. Rethinking a Classic of EC Legal Doctrine (pp. 157-180). Europa Law Publishing. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & Zegveld, L. (2002). International criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (The international criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 1999-2000). Case note on: International criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 1/01/00 Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, 4, 411-418. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & Zegveld, L. (2002). Prosecutor v. Alksovski, Case No. IT-95-14/1-A. In Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Vol. IV: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 1999/2000 (pp. 411-418). Hart Publishing. [details]
    • de Wet, E., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (2002). Review of Security Council decisions by national courts. German Yearbook of International Law, 45, 166-202. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2001). De kracht van het onbepaalde: de rechter en het beginsel van duurzame ontwikkeling. In P. C. Gilhuis, & A. H. J. van den Biesen (Eds.), Beginselen van het Milieurecht (pp. 13-22). Kluwer. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2001). Toedeling van rechtsmacht ten aanzien van het onderscheppen van internationale telecommunicatie. Mediaforum, 13(10), 294-298. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2001). Toekomstbeelden van het volkenrecht. In K. van Dam (Ed.), Toekomstbeelden = Perspectives on the future (pp. 28-38). (Jaarboek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam; Vol. 2000/2001). Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A., & Hey, E. (2001). The relationship between international law and national law. International Law FORUM du droit international, 1, 9-11. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2001). De verhouding tussen Internationaal en Europees recht. In Europees en internationaal natuurbeschermingsrecht - verslag van een studiemiddag (pp. 13-16). Boom. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2001). The legitimacy of international law in the case law of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. In T. A. J. A. Vandamme, & J. H. Reestman (Eds.), Ambiguity in the Rule of Law: The interface between national and international legal systems (pp. 13-23). (The Hogendorp papers; No. 1). Europa Law Publishing. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & Ferdinandusse, W. N. (2001). Hof Amsterdam (Annotatie bij de uitspraak van het Gerechtshof Amsterdam van 6 juli 2000, Dedovic). Case note on: Hof Amsterdam, 6/07/00 (Dedovic). NJCM-Bulletin, 26(2), 208-221. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). De kracht van het onbepaalde: de rechter en het beginsel van duurzame ontwikkeling. Milieu & Recht, 27(4), 88-91. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). Public International Law in Transnational Litigation Against Multinational Corporations: Prospects and Problems in the Courts of the Netherlands. In S. Zia-Zarifi, & M. T. Kamminga (Eds.), Liability of Multinational Corporations in International Law (pp. 265-281). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). Reconsidering the Direct Effect of International Law in the EU Legal Order. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 27(3), 213-215. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). [Review of: A. Randelzhofer, C. Tomuschat. State Responsibility and the Individual: Reparation in Instances of Grave Violations of Human Rights]. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 7(4), 421-425.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2000). Volkenrechtelijke aspecten van legalisatie en verificatie van documenten. Migrantenrecht, 2000(5), 123-127. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1999). Beschermde rechtsbelangen in het internationale waterrrecht. Ars Aequi, 48(5), 413-418. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1999). Communautairrechtelijke grenzen aan externe bevoegdheden van de EG-lidstaten [Review of: P.F. Leefmans. Externe Milieubevoegdheden]. Milieu & Recht, 51. [details]


    • Meijers, H., Woltjer, A., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Parlementaire controle en de verdragsrechtelijke status van terugkeerregelingen. Nederlands Juristenblad, 73, 1864-1868. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens. Nota Bene, 2, 5. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). How public international (environmental) law can furnish a rule of decision in civil litigation. Tijdschrift voor Milieu aansprakelijkheid, 12, 3-11. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Improving compliance with the international law of marine environmental protection: the role of the European Union. In J. Golub (Ed.), Global competition and E.U. environmental policy (pp. 85-107). (EUI environmental policy series). Routledge. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Judicial Application of International Environmental Law in the Netherlands. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, 7, 40-46. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Rethinking States' Rights to Promote Extra-territorial Values. In F. Weiss, E. Denters, & P. de Waart (Eds.), Towards International Economic Law with a Human Face (pp. 175-201). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Toepassing van Internationaal Milieurecht door de Nederlandse Rechter. Nederlands Juristenblad, 73, 249-255. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1998). Toepassing van verdragsrecht door de Nederlandse rechter en het vereiste van een rechtsbelang. In J. D. M. Steenbergen (Ed.), Ongebogen recht: opstellen aangeboden door vrienden en collegae uit de Permanente commissie van deskundigen in het internationale vreemdelingen-, vluchtelingen- en strafrecht (Commissie Meijers) aan prof. dr. H. Meijers ter opluistering van het jaar waarin hij 75 is geworden (pp. 107-115). Sdu Uitgevers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & Betlem, B. (1998). Doorwerking van internationaal milieurecht in de rechtspraak. In C. W. Backes, & A. H. J. van Biesen (Eds.), Internationaal milieurecht in Nederland: de consequenties van het internationale milieurecht voor de nationale rechtspraktijk (pp. 39-72). (Publicaties van de Vereniging voor Milieurecht; No. 1998-1). Tjeenk Willink. [details]


    • Brans, E. H. P., de Haan, E. J., Nollkaemper, A., & Rinzema, J. (Eds.) (1997). The scarcity of water : emerging legal and policy responses. (International environmental law and policy series). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Brunnée, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (1997). Between the Forests and the Trees: an Emerging International Forest Law. Environmental Conservation, 23(4), 307-314. [details]
    • Meijers, H., & Nollkaemper, A. (1997). De Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens bevat thans bindend verdragsrecht. Nederlands Juristenblad, 72(25), 1113-1115. [details]
    • Nijkamp, H., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (1997). The Protection of Small Cetaceans in the Face of Uncertainty: An Analysis of the ASCOBANS Agreement, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 9(2), 281-302. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1997). Habitat Protection in European Community Law: Evolving Conceptions of a Balance of Interests. Journal of environmental law, 9, 271-286. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (Ed.) (1997). Trapped by furs? : the legality of the European Community's fur import ban in EC and international law : proceedings of a conference held at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Friday January 17, 1997. Center for International Natural Resources Law. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1997). Legal Controls of Land-Based Discharges of Marine Debris: From Local to Global Controls and Back. In J. Coe, & D. B. Rogers (Eds.), Marine Debris. Sources, Impacts and Solutions (pp. 293-306). (Springer series on environmental management). Springer. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1997). The External Competences of the European Community with Regard to Marine Pollution from Maritime Transport: the Frail Legal Support for Grand Ambitions. In H. Ringbom (Ed.), Competing norms in the law of marine environmental protection: focus on ship safety and pollution prevention (pp. 165-186). (International environmental law and policy series; No. 46). Kluwer Law International. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1996). Balancing Protection of Marine Ecosystems and the Economic Benefits from Land-based Activities: The Quest for International Legal Barriers. Ocean Development and International Law, 27, 153-179. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1996). Kanttekeningen bij Artikel 6(4) van de Habitat Richtlijn. Milieu & Recht, 23(9), 156-160. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1996). The Contribution of the International Law Commission to International Water Law: Does it Reverse the Flight from Substance? Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 27, 39-73. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1996). The Legality of Moral Crusades Disguised in Trade Laws: An Analysis of the EC 'Ban' on Furs from Animals Taken by Leghold Traps. Journal of environmental law, 8. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). 'Transboundary Environmental Interference and the Origin of State Liability' [Review of: R.J.M. Lefeber. 'Transboundary Environmental Interference and the Origin of State Liability']. Milieu & Recht, 24, 163-165.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). 'What you Risk Reveals What You Value', and Other Dilemma's in the Legal Assault on Risk. In D. A. C. Freestone, & E. Hey (Eds.), The precautionary principle and international law : the challenge of implementation (pp. 73-94). (International environmental law and policy series; No. 31). Kluwer Law International. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). Liability versus Responsibility under International Law. Defending Stict responsibility for Transboundary Damage [Review of: L.J.T. Horbach. 'Transboundary Environmental Interference and the Origin of State Liability']. Milieu & Recht, 24, 163-165.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). Protecting Forests through Trade Measures: The Search for Substantive Benchmarks. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 8(3), 389-421. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). The River Rhine: from Equal Apportionment to Ecosystem Protection. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, 5, 152-160. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1996). Transfer of Technology for Deep Sea-Bed Mining: The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention and Beyond [Review of: Y Li. Transfer of technology for deep sea-bed mining : the 1982 law of the sea convention and beyond]. Internationale Spectator, 50, 218-219.


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1995). Land-Based Pollution. Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 5, 181-185. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & Hey, E. (1995). International Law, Community Law and the Competences of the European Community in Regulating Safety and Environmental Aspects of Shipping. In J. M. van Dunné (Ed.), Milieu en aansprakelijkheid (pp. 211-234). (Aansprakelijkheidsrecht; No. 2). Gouda Quint. [details]
    • van Dijk, R., Hey, E., & Nollkaemper, P. A. (1995). Een Geslaagde Tewaterlating? De inwerkingtreding van het VN Zeerechtverdrag. Nederlands Juristenblad, 70, 551-566. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1994). Land-Based Discharges of Marine Debris. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28(11), 649-652. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1994). Land-Based Pollution. Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 4, 161-169. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1994). Contribution to Panel on the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses. Proceedings of the ... annual meeting, 380-384. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (1993). The legal regime for transboundary water pollution : between discretion and constraint. (International environmental law and policy series). Graham & Trotman. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1993). Agenda 21 and Prevention of Sea-based Marine Pollution. Marine Policy, 17(6), 537-556. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1993). Land-Based Pollution. Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 3, 248-254. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1993). Legal Implications of the Obligation to Apply the Best Available Technology. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 26(5), 236-238. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1993). Legal Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution of International Watercourses: Recent Developments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 26(6), 298-301. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1993). Environmental Protection and International Law [Review of: W. Lang, H. Neuhold. Environmental protection and international law]. Netherlands International Law Review, 11, 535-537.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1993). Progressie en Stagnatie in het Internationale Regime for Grensoverschrijdende Waterverontreiging. Tijdschrift voor Milieu en Recht, 1993(1), 49-70. [details]
    • Soons, A., Kwiatkowska, B., Nollkaemper, A., Oude Elferink, A., Bus, M., & Hey, E. (Eds.) (1993). International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: documentary yearbook 1991. (International organizations and the law of the sea; Vol. 7). Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff. [details]




    • Hey, E., IJlstra, T., Kwiatkowska, B., Nollkaemper, A., Oude Elferink, A., & Soons, A. (Eds.) (1990). International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: Documentary Yearbook 1988. (International organizations and the law of the sea; Vol. 4). Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff. [details]
    • IJlstra, T., & Nollkaemper, A. (1990). Gebiedsbescherming op de Noordzee : een analyse van de juridische mogelijkheden en beperkingen: een onderzoek naar de juridische mogelijkheden om beschermde gebieden op de Noordzee in te stellen in opdracht van het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (1990). Development of regulations for protecting the marine environment from deep-sea-bed mining. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 21(11), 503-505.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1990). International Developments and Water Pollution Control in the Netherlands. Water Law, 1, 99-101. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1990). Report of Workshop on Protection of the Marine Environment. Annual conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, 690-696. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1990). The European Community and State Practice: A Case-study of Land-Based Marine Pollution. In B. Vukas (Ed.), Essays on the New Law of the Sea (pp. 199-225). (Prinosi za poredbeno proucavanje prava i mezdunarodno pravo; No. 21-24). Kratis. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1990). The Rhine Action Programma: A Turning-Point in the Protection of the North Sea? In D. Freestone, & A. H. IJlstra (Eds.), North Sea : perspectives on regional environmental co-operation (pp. 123-138). Graham & Trotman [etc.]. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1990). Toezichthoudende Mechanismen in het Internationale Milieurecht. In P. J. J. van Buuren (Ed.), Milieurecht in stelling : Utrechtse opstellen over actuele thema's in het milieurecht (pp. 182-199) [details]





    • Nollkaemper, A., & Burgers, L. (2020). Introductory Note to The State of the Netherlands v. Urgenda (Neth. Sup. Ct.). Case note on: Sup. Ct. Neth., 20/12/19, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:2007 (The State of the Netherlands v Urgenda). International Legal Materials, 59(5), 811-848. [details]




    • Nollkaemper, A. (2015). Fred Soons: a pragmatic trust in international law. In C. Ryngaert, E. J. Molenaar, & S. M. H. Nouwen (Eds.), What's wrong with international law? Liber amicorum A.H.A. Soons (pp. 6-9). (Nova et vetera iuris gentium; No. 27). Brill Nijhoff. [details]






    • Brölmann, C., van Alebeek, R., Kleffner, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (2008). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (3e ed.) (Boom juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Wouters, J., Nollkaemper, A., & de Wet, E. (2008). Introduction: the ‘europeanisation’ of international law. In J. Wouters, A. Nollkaemper, & E. de Wet (Eds.), The europeanisation of international law: the status of international law in the EU and its member states (pp. 1-13). T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]


    • Nijman, J., & Nollkaemper, A. (2007). Introduction. In J. E. Nijman, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), New Perspectives on the Divide Between National and International Law (pp. 1-14). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2007). Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht. (Boom Juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2007). Nederland dient koers internationale rechtsorde te herzien. In T. Jansen, J. Nijman, & J. W. Sap (Eds.), Burgers en barbaren. Over oorlog tussen recht en macht (pp. 185-193). (Christen democratische verkenningen; Vol. zomer 2007). Boom Tijdschriften. [details]



    • Nollkaemper, A. (2005). Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht. (2e ed.) (Boom Juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (2004). Translating Public International Law into Corporate Liability. In W. P. Heere (Ed.), From Government to Governance. The Growing Impact of Non-State Actors on the International and European Legal System, Proceedings of the Sixth Hague Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 3-5 July 2003 (pp. 224-227). T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, P. A., & de Wet, E. (2004). The application of customary international law by national courts: Introduction. Non-State Actors and International Law, (1), 1-2. [details]
    • van Wielink, J. P. J., Brölmann, C. M., Footer, M. E., Nollkaemper, A., & Raic, D. (2004). Jurisprudentie en documentatie internationaal publiekrecht. (Boom juridische studieboeken). Boom Juridische Uitgevers. [details]



    • Nollkaemper, A. (2002). [Review of: A.F. Bayefsky (2000) Self-determination in international law: Quebec and lessons learned: legal opinions]. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 9(2), 187-189. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). De dialectiek tussen individuele en collectieve aansprakelijkheid in het volkenrecht. Vossiuspers. [details]
    • Nollkaemper, A. (2000). Responsibility of states for environmental damage that may result from the Chad-Cameroon Oil and Pipeline Project. In S. A. Bronkhorst (Ed.), Liability for Environmental Damage and the World bank's Chad-Cameroon Oil and Pipeline Project. Selected Papers of the NC-IUCN Symposium Liability for (pp. 54-61). Netherlands Committee for IUCN. [details]


    • Nollkaemper, P. A., Meijers, H., & Woltjer, A. (1999). Naschrift over de verdragsrechtelijke status van terugkeerregelingen. Nederlands Juristenblad, 168. [details]

    Talk / presentation

    • Nollkaemper, A. (speaker) (1-6-2017). Implementing International Judgments: Dogmatic Concepts and Possible Obstacles, Principled resistance against ECtHR judgments.
    • Nollkaemper, A. (speaker) (1-6-2017). Implementing International Judgments: Dogmatic Concepts and Possible Obstacles, Principled resistance against ECtHR judgments.
    • Nollkaemper, A. (speaker) (26-4-2017). Sharing Responsibility in International Environmental Law: Fundamental Contradictions, Lecture at University of Strathclyde: Sharing Responsibility in International Environmental Law: Fundamental Contradictions, Glasgow.
    • Nollkaemper, A. (speaker) & d' Aspremont, J. (speaker) (2-3-2017). Draft Principles on Shared Responsibility, Humboldt University, Berlin.
    • Nollkaemper, A. (speaker) (24-2-2017). The development of the rule of law at the international level: a dialectical perspective, Understanding Change in World Politics, Baltimore.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (9-1-2014). Sharing international responsibility for network failures, Workshop on Global Governance, IBEI, Barcelona.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (15-11-2013). Domestic Courts and the International Rules of Interpretation, Seminar 'Interpretation of International Law by Domestic Courts', Berlin.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (28-10-2013). The UN agenda on the rule of law at international level: the role of domestic courts, 6th Committee of the UN General Assembly, Legal Advisers Meeting New York.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (24-10-2013). Cross-judging in cases of shared responsibility, seminar ‘The Function of Judges and Arbitrators in International Law’, NYU Law School, New York.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (8-10-2013). International Courts, National Courts and the Rule of Law: Descending and Ascending Practices, Pluricourts Project, University of Oslo.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (26-9-2013). The Application of International Law in National Courts: A Comparative Assessment, ESIL Symposium 'Perspectives on International and Domestic Law', Bucharest.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (9-9-2013). International law aspects of intervention in Syria, Expert meeting Groen Links, The Hague.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (29-8-2013). Sharing Responsibility for Shared Resources, ILA Hellenic Regional Conference, Athens.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (4-7-2013). The Problem of Many Hands in International Law, Conference: Beyond Responsibility to Protect: Towards Responsible Use of International Law?, Hull.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (27-6-2013). Outside the Cave: Van Gend and Loos from a Global Perspective, Workshop on 'Revisiting Van Gend en Loos', Paris.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (26-4-2013). Wither Aut Dedere - The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute after Belgium-Senegal, The ICJ's 2012 Judicial Year in Review, Florence.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (25-4-2013). Wither Aut Dedere? The obligation to prosecute or extradite after Belgium Senegal, The ICJ's 2012 Judicial Year in Review, European University Institute, Florence.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (5-4-2013). The dialectic between individual and shared responsibility in European Asylum Policy, 107th American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington D.C..
    • Nollkaemper, A. (invited speaker) (24-1-2013). Beyond territories: the rise of shared responsibilities, Conference A Lackland Law? Territory, Effectiveness and Jurisdiction in International and European Law, Catania.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (31-5-2012). Contestation of decisions of international human rights courts, MultiRights Annual Conference, Oslo.
    • van Alebeek, R. (invited speaker) & Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (23-4-2012). Immunities of International Organizations before the Dutch Courts, Conference on Transnational Judicial Dialogue of Domestic Courts on International Organizations, University of Vienna.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (2-4-2012). Shared Responsibility in International Refugee Law, Conference 'Still Waiting for Tomorrow: The Law and Politics of Unresolved Refugee Crises', Boston.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (5-3-2012). International Law in Domestic Courts: Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Geneva.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (23-2-2012). The ICC and the Responsibility to Protect, International Criminal Court, The Hague.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (4-11-2011). Dual attribution: liability of the Netherlands for removal of individuals from the compound of Dutchbat, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (24-10-2011). International adjudication of global public goods: the intersection of substance and procedure, ESIL-ASIL-EJIL-HiiL Symposium 'Global Public Goods and the Plurality of Legal Orders', Florence (European University Institute).
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (2-6-2011). Impact of the ILC draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrong acts in continental European states, 'Holding States to Account – the Practical Impact of the International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility', London (British Institute of International and Comparative Law).
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (21-5-2011). Shared responsibility in international law, 'Beyond Territoriality: Globalisation and Transnational Human Rights Obligations', Antwerp.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (4-2-2011). Shared responsibility between the EU and member states in international environmental law, 'The Environmental Dimension of the EU External Relations After Lisbon', Edinburgh.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (23-10-2010). Shared responsibility in international law, Roundtable discussion State responsibility: Latvian tradition and contemporary issues, Riga Graduate School of Law, Riga.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (2-9-2010). Legalization in international law, European Society of International Law (ESIL), Cambridge.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (19-8-2010). The influence of international law on domestic legal orders, ILA Conference, The Hague.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (8-4-2010). Comments on the execution of ECHR obligations and ECtHR judgments, Workshop ‘International Law in Italian Courts: Ten Years of Jurisprudence’, Florence (European University Institute).
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (15-6-2009). Remarks on the international rule of law, Dialogue on the Rule of Law at International Level, New York (UN Headquarters).
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (24-3-2009). The supremacy of international law, Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia.
    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (invited speaker) (13-3-2009). Principles of reparation for system criminality, Santa Clara Journal of International Law Symposium: The Future of International Criminal Justice, Santa Clara.




    • Nollkaemper, P. A. (1993). The legal regime for transboundary water pollution: between discretion and constraint. Nijhoff.
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